Button Batteries
Did you know...
If swallowed, button batteries can become stuck in a child’s throat and burn through the oesophagus in less than 2 hours. This burning can lead to serious injury requiring surgery, or death.
If you think your child has swallowed or inserted a button battery, don’t wait for
them to show symptoms.
Call the Poisons Information Centre urgently for expert advice on what to do 24 hours, 7 days A WEEK
13 11 26
In an emergency situation, call 000 for an ambulance
If swallowed, button batteries can become stuck in a child’s throat and burn through the oesophagus in less than 2 hours. This burning can lead to serious injury requiring surgery, or death.
If you think your child has swallowed or inserted a button battery, don’t wait for
them to show symptoms.
Call the Poisons Information Centre urgently for expert advice on what to do 24 hours, 7 days A WEEK
13 11 26
In an emergency situation, call 000 for an ambulance
The symptoms caused from swallowing a button battery can look like other illnesses.
Symptoms may include chest pain, coughing, vomiting, trouble swallowing etc.
Symptoms may include chest pain, coughing, vomiting, trouble swallowing etc.
Button batteries are extremely dangerous
Button batteries can become stuck in a child’s throat without blocking their airway. You may not even know that it’s in there.
An estimated 20 children go to hospital every week in Australia with a button battery related injury.
An estimated 20 children go to hospital every week in Australia with a button battery related injury.
Common items button batteries are found in
Button Battery Check List
- Have you checked your home for button batteries and items that use them?
- Have you checked that the battery compartment of all items that use button batteries is tightly secured?
- Do you store button batteries and items that use them out of the reach of young children?
- Do you always dispose of batteries immediately and safely? Batteries with no charge are still dangerous to children.
- Do you check novelty items and toys such as flashing jewellery/clothes given to your children for button batteries?
- Have you entered the phone number of the Poisons Information Centre into your mobile phone? 13 11 26
Follow the checklist above to reduce the risk of injury.